
Фразеологические единицы французского языка с компонентом флоронимом

Translation of the extract from the book “The Gold No Rust” written by Shukhrat and continuations in translation”

Los escritores españoles

"“Translation of Obligations into English” (on the basis of translation extract of “The Gold Never Corrodes” by Shukhrat "

Verbalization of the concepts faith/belief and “iymon/e’tiqod in the english and uzbek languages

Translation of Comparison

Роль артикля и детерминативов при выражении неопределенности во французском языке


“The Lights of Koshchinar” and Translation of Negatively Evaluated Words

Modo Indicativo en español contemporaneo

Linguodidactic backgrounds of creating video lessons

Lengua española Materia: Relaciónes Diplomáticas entre Uzbekistán y España

Evolución fonética

Любовь: категория или концепт?

Translation of Russian gradation into English

Los modos de la expresión gramática

Kate Chapin and problems of women in her works

Historía de la lengua española

Caracteristica lexico gramatical de sinonimos en Español