Нелинейная математическая модель для мониторинга и прогнозирования процесса распрастранения аерозольнқх частиц в атмосфере

Ишлаб чиқариш корхоналарини автоматлаштиришда сунъий интеллект тизимларидан фойдаланиш

Yakuniy distilyatorlarda mistsellani birlamchi parchalash bo`yicha nazariy tadqiqiotlar

Opportunity of digital marketing in tourism sphere

O`qituvchilarning muqobil energiyaga oid kompitensiyasini oshirish

Mobil ilova va mobil platformalarni yaratishda react native dasturidan foydalanishning muhim afzalliklari

Influence of light on magnetic order modulation

Marketing aspects of ecotourism development

Determination of the size and amount of energy incident on the reflective surface of a parabolic cylinder concentrator

Forecasting tourism demand in Uzbekistan

Coeffcient determination poblem in the system of integro-differential for visco-elastic prous medium

Bound and ground states of a spin-boson model with at most one photon non – integer lattice case

Особенности электронного онлайн-рынка в туризме

Digital marketing strategy and tourism

Деятельность современного учителя в контексте нового парадигмы образования

Инглиз ва ўзбек тилларида юкламаларнинг маъновий гуруҳланиши

Usage of flora in the early modern english poetry

Theoretical interpretation of terminological problems in modern scientific literature

The translation of phraseological units into uzbek

The Study of Spiritual Heritage of Khoja Ismat Bukhari

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