Psycho – physiologische grundlagen der lautmodifikationen im redefluss

Physiologie der sprachlaute

zum Problem der Intonation in der deutschen Phonetik

Die wichtigsten varianten der vokalphoneme

Zum Verhältnis von Phonem und Graphemsystem im Deutschen

American feminism in Margaret Fuller and Lydia Maria Child works

Harlem Renaissance and black community in American literature

Geoffrey Chaucer`s “Canterbury Tales” as Panorama of English Society

Maya Angelou and her work “I Know Why the Caged Birds Sing?”

Daniel Defoe’s a history of Lady Roxana

Assessment of the writing task at language universities

An environmental catastrophe in the novel ”White noise “by Don DeLillo

Problems of syntax and semantics of verbals

Prepositions in present day english

The social life expressed in the novel An American tragedy by Theodore Drieser

American women writers after world war II

Сognitive analysis of comparison in stylistic register

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