An environmental catastrophe in the novel ”White noise “by Don DeLillo

An environmental catastrophe in the novel ”White noise “by Don DeLillo
Oliy ta`lim
Kurs ishi
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Ingliz tilida
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2021-04-17 20:47:11
This course paper is devoted to the study of American writer Donald Richard "Don" DeLillo and his work ”White noise “. The theme of our course paper is “An environmental catastrophe in the novel ”White noise “by Don Delillo”. Don Delillo is an American novelist, playwright and essayist. His works have covered subjects as diverse as television, nuclear war, sports, the complexities of language, performance art, the Cold War, mathematics, the advent of the digital age, politics, economics, and global terrorism. Initially a well-regarded cult writer, the publication in 1985 of White Noise brought him widespread recognition, and was followed in 1988 by Libra, a bestseller.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-17 20:47:11

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