Geoffrey Chaucer`s “Canterbury Tales” as Panorama of English Society

Geoffrey Chaucer`s “Canterbury Tales” as Panorama of English Society
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Ingliz tilida
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2021-04-17 20:52:49
The English literature is one of the richest sources of world literature. It has contributed much to the entire body of literature in the world. It has so much to discuss. However, we, first of all, should know who the creator of the English language as a literary language was, who brought it to the stage of it, and who put it in higher status than French. As would-be English philologists we should be certainly aware that it was Geoffrey Chaucer who lived in the 14th century and wrote his masterpiece “The Canterbury Tales” in the English language.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-17 20:52:49

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