Uzbekistan officially the Republic of Uzbekistan is a Central Asia. It is a unitary, constitutional, presidential republic, comprising 12 provinces, 1 autonomous republic, and 1 independent city.
Ce travail est consacré à l’histoire de la langue française. Ici nous avons analysé les problèmes du système grammatical de l’ancien français. Ce thème est actuel parce que ce problème n’est pas entièrement ètudié comme un travail de cours. Toute langue est perpétuellement en cours d’évolution.
Тақдимотда Паблик рилейшнз соҳасида таъсир кўрсатиш жараёнида қўлланадиган моделларни анализ қилиш, эмперик методлар, умуман, PR назариясига алоқадор моделлар келтирилган.
Synthetic languages are defined as ones of “internal” grammar of the word. Here most of grammatical meanings and grammatical relations of words are expressed with the help of inflexions.
Мавзу бўйича билимларнинг сифатли ва чуқур ўзлаштирилишига эришиш, талабанинг ўзбек тилида фикрини эркин равишда баён этишига эришиш; талабалар нутқини шакллантириш
Rasmiy uslub rasmiy ish qog’ozlari – hujjatlarni yuritish yo’llarini o’rgatuvchi nutq uslubidir. Hujjatshunoslik davlatchilik bilan bog’liq bo’lib, uning ildizi qadimgi davrlarga borib taqaladi. Har bir davlatning hujjatlari uning davlat tilida yoziladi. Hujjatlarni to’g’ri va bexato yozish insonning savodxonligi va yozma nutq madaniyati ko’rsatkichidir.
Students will be able to identify the subject in a sentence and determine the verb that agrees with it. Students will be able to apply the grammar rule for subject/verb agreement by matching the subject to its corresponding verb.