Epithet in Modern English and its main peculiarities

Affixation as a major type of word formation

Types of dictionary compiling

Distinctive features and main functions of official documents style in modern English

The plot, the problems and the main heroes in Jack London’ “The Sea Wolf’

Development of detective genre. Agatha Christi- her life and work

Stylistic characteristics of the languages of drama

Linguistic nature and functions of stylistic device of metaphor in the literary work “Gone with the Wind ” by M. Mitchell.

Тinish belgilarining uslubiy xususiyatlar

Uslublar tasnifi

Қўлланиши чегараланган лексиканинг услубий хусусиятлари

Semantic analysis of the lexical field denoting “action” in modern English

Etymologycal survey of the English word-stock and the role of words in the language

Lexical and stylistic analysis of the words denoting “Negative feelings”

Lexical and stylistic analysis of the semantic field of “Religion”

English as a global language of communication

Тиниш белгиларининг услубий хусусиятлари

Lexical meaning and formation of stylistic devices on its base

Comparative analysis of the functions of Intonation in English and Russian

Analysis of English and Uzbek poetry

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