“The Lights of Koshchinar” and Translation of Negatively Evaluated Words

Linguodidactic backgrounds of creating video lessons

Любовь: категория или концепт?

Translation of Russian gradation into English

Translation of the extract of the book “The diamond belt” written by Pirimkul Kadirov (Translation of Emotional Expressive Words)

Pirimkul Kadyrov “The Diamond Belt Translation of Joking (Playful) Words"

Una pequeña discusión

Aртикли во французском языке и их выражения в узбекском языке

Pirimkul Kadirov “THE DIAMOND BELT” (pages 465-515) The Translation of Positively Evaluated Words

The difference between American and British English

En el teatro y en el cine

The UK as a member of the EU

Le rôle de sms dans l’enrichissement du vocabulaire français

Machine Translation: Past, Present and Future”

Characteristic features of American English

Le français parlÉ dans les romans policiers

En el restorante

Famous Invention

The problematic issue of Slang in the English language

L’ordre des mots logiques et psycologiques dans la nouvelle de maurois semántica de los parónimas y homonimos