Interpretation of zaraostrianism saints in written an material sources

Interpretation of zaraostrianism saints in written an material sources
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2021-04-20 03:52:09
Obviously, Avesta valuable encyclopedic resource reflecting the view of the world of our ancestors. He is the world itself all the philosophical doctrines effect. However, history of painful tests, "Avesta" is also avoided. Nearly a quarter of the village`s only (four of 21 books). Unfortunately, parts of the source text are also not free from the effects of time. For this reason, studies conducted by historians today, but he was the only conclusions, including where the subscription is based on the opinions of scientific hypotheses. The birthplace of Zoroaster and Zaratushtraning historians seem to be the end of the chapter. As part of this final qualifying of his native gods, or image, the emergence and development although it is impossible to clarify that, on the basis of research in this area in recent years, foreign languages have been expressed in terms of the students.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-20 03:52:09

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