Sound recognition and sound production of efl learners based on audio books in efl classe-uzb

Sound recognition and sound production of efl learners based on audio books in efl classe-uzb
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2021-04-20 01:38:54
New developments and trends in education gained importance to professional development of teachers and use of new methods to teach the target language which can encourage the teachers to try new techniques in EFL classes. Audio book is one of the best technological innovations and it can be a good chance to improve reading and writing skills of learners in foreign language classes. There are lots of advantages of using audio books in language classes. Audio books provide learners opportunities to increase active listening and critical thinking skills, which are vital for reading comprehension. In my diploma work I try to find out the contribution of audio books to reading and listening skills.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-20 01:38:54

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