
Oliy ta`lim
Ilmiy-ommabop yoshlar va bolalar uchun
Ma`ruza matni
Nashr etilgan yili:
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-20 01:32:06
Current lecture texts were composed based on the themes given in curriculum according to the subject of lexicology. It consists of the topics about the subject of lexicology, its branches, word formation, types of word meanings, semasiology, phraseology, borrowings, lexicography, local varieties in British Isles, America, Canada and other topics related to lexicology. Additionally, the source contains of important information about English morphemes, archaic words and as well as neologisms which exist in English language. There were given tasks and questions according to each lecture themes. This material can be used in the EFL classes at university as well as for independent learners, pupils of academic lyceums and colleges.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-20 01:32:06

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