Translation peculiarities of characters` appearances in novel "Gone with the wind" by Margaret Mitchell from English into Russian

Translation peculiarities of characters` appearances in novel "Gone with the wind" by Margaret Mitchell from English into Russian
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2021-04-20 00:24:02
As conclusion we can say that Love for Life and Beloved never dies in hearts! Certainly, the novel "Gone with the Wind" is worth reading. And, of course, if possible, read in the original language. Reading is therefore better than a movie, that your imagination is not limited to certain actors and scenery. During the years of independence in our country certain work has been carried out to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism, respect for national traditions and values, upbringing of a spiritually mature and physically healthy young generation, protection of their rights and interests.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-20 00:24:02

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