Improvement of the pedagogical mechanisms of the family and educational institutions in the development of the spiritual culture of adolescents of social and legal risk groups

Improvement of the pedagogical mechanisms of the family and educational institutions in the development of the spiritual culture of adolescents of social and legal risk groups
Oliy ta`lim
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-19 23:31:37
The effectiveness of the development of the spiritual culture of adolescents of social and legal risk groups depends on the organization of educational activities on the basis of a model which based on pedagogical diagnostics of teenagers, planning, algorithmic, innovative methods and modern pedagogical technologies, constant monitoring of results. During the research, a mechanism for improving the development of the spiritual culture of adolescents of social and legal risk groups based on the social partnership of the family and the educational institutions were developed and put into practice

Дабавлено : 2021-04-19 23:31:37

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