The importance of preparing Reading materials in EFL classes

The importance of preparing Reading materials in EFL classes
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Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-19 23:30:18
Nowadays English language has become the most popular and interesting language that is being taught and learned. Why do most people want to know English? There are many reasons for this, first of all, this language is spoken in many countries as a native language. Secondly, many books, information about any kind of answer, documentations of organizations, computer languages, they are all in English language. Thirdly, most people understand you if you speak in English if you go to foreign countries and so on. The successful of teaching English as a second language comes from many factors, such as from the teacher, students, or outside both of them like facilities, approaches which is used by teacher etc.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-19 23:30:18

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