Oliy ta`lim
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-19 17:47:50
utomatic entry reserve - this method of protection designed for the smooth operation of the electricity network. Enabled by means of an automatic connection to a network of other sources of supply in case the main source of power supply failure. Automatic transfer switch (ATS) connects a backup source of power, while the break power of 0.3-0.8 seconds (backup time switch operation). The main objective AVR- timely operation within minimum possible time that has elapsed since turn off the main power source, and therefore the automatic input of a reserve - a task that must be solved only by qualified personnel. To ATS requirements:  shall operate in the shortest possible after disconnecting the power source working time.  must always be triggered in the event of power failure on buses consumers, regardless of the cause.  In the case of ABP arc protection circuit can be blocked in order to reduce damage from short circuits.  In some cases, a switching delay ATS. For example, when you run the powerful engines on the consumer side, the ATS scheme should ignore under voltage. ATS must be triggered once. This requirement is due to the inadmissibility of multiple inclusion of backup sources in a short circuit. As the measuring element for the ATS in high voltage networks are under voltage relay (controller Atmega 8) connected to the protected areas using voltage transformers. In the case of a voltage drop in the electrical network protected plot relay gives signal to the ATS circuit. However, the lack of voltage condition is not sufficient to ensure that the ATS unit began its work. As a general rule, it should be satisfied with a number of conditions: In the protected area there a short circuit. Since the voltage drop may be due to a short circuit, the inclusion of additional power sources into the circuit and inexpedient impermissible. Main disconnect switch is turned on. This condition is checked to the ATS does not work when the voltage has disappeared due to the fact that the main switch was switched off intentionally. On the neighboring property, which is supposed to be supplied after the ATS action voltage is present. If both supply lines are not energized, the switch does not make sense. ATS consists of three main components: 1) Block logic and display - is the "brain" ATS, which constantly monitors the voltage in the core network, and operating the generator. "The brain" commands the relay automation, as well as the contactors to open or close. 2) The power of the ATS. It includes contactors and machines. A

Дабавлено : 2021-04-19 17:47:50

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