International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies ICISCT 2016

International Conference on Information Science and  Communications Technologies ICISCT 2016
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2021-04-19 17:47:37
Oral Sessions 8:30 - 9:00 Opening Remarks 9:00 - 10:30 Keynote Speakers- Invited talk Title: Profitable Ubiquitous Rural and Remote IoT/M2M/H2H 5G Communications • Challenges of sparsely populated rural and remote areas of the emerging economics Unacceptably high investments are required into deployment of the optic core infrastructure for ubiquitous wide covering of sparsely populated rural, remote, and difficult for access (RRD) areas using the recent (4G) and also forthcoming (5G) broadband radio access (RAN) centralized techniques, characterized by short cells ranges, because their profitability boundary exceeds a several hundred residents per square kilometer. Furthermore, the unprecedented requirements and new features of the forthcoming Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M) and also many other machine type IT-systems lead to a breakthrough in designing extremely green flexible and low-cost technologies for future 5G wireless systems which will be able to reach in real time the performance extremums, tradeoff optimums and fundamental limits. We show that the distributed multifunctional medium access control (MFMAC) to long-delay wireless medium is a key technology for rural broadband wireless 5G communications. The improvement of MAC protocols plays a key rolein ensuring the extremely green PHY and flexible radio resource & QoS “on the fly” management. Next, the fundamental PHY-MAC throughput limits and extremums of the energy, power, spectral efficiency invariants criteria are proved. The invariant criteria are constructed relying on Shannon m-ary digital channels capacity which riche palette of the technically interpreted PHY-MACs parameters consider. Therefore, the invariant criteria as very suitable for research and design of an 5G extremely performance problems are found. The PHY-MACs smart distributed control techniques which able implements "on-the-fly" the limits close and invariant criterion optimization or trade-off is proposed. Such PHY-MAC’s smart control techniques represent a key disruptive technologies meet the 5G network challenges.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-19 17:47:37

Этот категорий

Pythonda matematik hisoblashlarni dasturlash

Nazariy mexanika

Nazariy mexanika

Fundamentals of scientific research and innovation

Oila tibbiyoti


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