Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies named after U.A. Arifov Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2 Tashkent state technical university named after I.A. Karimov

Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies named after U.A. Arifov Academy  of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2 Tashkent state technical university named after I.A. Karimov
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Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-19 17:25:54
The behavior of fullerenes Cn (n≥60) in multicomponent solvents, the physicochemical mechanisms of fullerene molecules’ self-aggregation, and the features of fullerene aggregates’ growth and size stabilization in different solutions make them very attractive for practical interest in modern nanophysics. Aggregates of fullerenes, in its turn, can be used in photodynamic therapy for treatment of oncological diseases, in solar energetics for making solar cells, in hydrogen energetics for safe storage gases, in optoelectronics as guaranteed elements of the modern semiconductor devices etc. This work describes results of investigations of clusterization of fullerene C70 molecules in solutions of fullerene in the mixture benzene and tetrahydrofuran at room temperature. We have used the atomic force microscope (AFM) Solver Next (NT-MDT, Russia) with an atomic resolution to analyses surface features and dimensional characteristics of (C70 )m nanoaggregates synthesized in solutions, m is a number of individual molecules of C70 in nanoaggregate.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-19 17:25:54

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