Сув хужаликларида ютуқлар ва муаммолар

Сув хужаликларида ютуқлар ва муаммолар
Oliy ta`lim
O`zbek tilida (kir.)
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-19 15:45:06
In all degrees of management, implementing of market principles in use of water resources and using ofstate water system and providing its modernization, improving the ameliorative position of irrigated lands, providing of abidance to the legislative cuments related to the land and water resources usage are as important tasks at present. In the process of realization of these ;ks there is an actual task to increase the responsibility of administrative staff of water resources management from the general department stage of water resources of Republic to lower stage.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-19 15:45:06

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