Areas of use of arab action names in the dari language

Areas of use of arab action names in the dari language
Oliy ta`lim
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-19 14:31:50
This article analyzes the practical use of arabic borrowings in the Dari language, using the example of masdars or action names. Masdar transmits the name of the action or state itself without any indication of the person, time, pledge and other specific characteristics. Masdar is regarded as a form regularly formed from all verbs and verb stems. In the Dari language, the arabic masdars are very widely used. They can be found both in the oral speech of an afghan’s and in writing. Arabic borrowings in modern Dari language are found in various spheres of life. They are most commonly used in the sphere of social and political life of the society, in the language of radio and television, in the military structure, and in fiction. Arabic names of action are also used in the spheres of economy, medicine, life, culture and education and spiritual life.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-19 14:31:50

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