Main factors and ways to improve efficiency of company in condition of modernization of economy (Оn example of "Delux Fabric" LLC.) (Основные факторы и пути повышения рентабельности предприятия в условиях модернизации экономики (На примере ООО "Delux F

Main factors and ways to improve efficiency of company in condition of modernization of economy (Оn example of "Delux Fabric" LLC.)  (Основные факторы  и пути повышения рентабельности предприятия в условиях модернизации экономики  (На примере ООО "Delux F
Oliy ta`lim
Diplom ishi
Nashr etilgan yili:
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-18 21:16:54
A general criterion for the economic efficiency of production is the profitability index. Profitability (from him rentabel - profitable, profitable), the coefficient of economic efficiency of production in enterprises. Comprehensively reflects the use of material, labor and currency resources. A profitable enterprise is considered to be profitable. In the basis of consideration of mediocre degrees of profitability it is possible to establish which types of products and which business units provide significant profitability. This becomes especially important in today`s market conditions, where the economic opportunity of the company depends on the specialization and concentration of production.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-18 21:16:54

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