Buston VI–the necropolis of fire-worshippers of pre-urban bactria

Buston VI–the necropolis of fire-worshippers of pre-urban bactria
Oliy ta`lim
Uslubiy qoʻllanma
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-18 16:13:29
The monograph is a complete publication of results of the long-term excavations at the burial cultic site of the late Bronze Age in pre-historical North Bactria. The catalogued report(506 objects) on the necropolis dated to the late 2nd millennium BCE and related to the ancient agricultural Sapalli culture – Buston VI – is introduced into the scientific operation.The database of quantitative and qualitative indices of criteria, on the base of which such ritual groups as inhumation, cremation, symbolic tombs and traces of ritual actions have been revealed, is published for the first time. Objects of burial and non-burial purpose are given in the summary tables, graphical pictures and photographs.The publication is directed to archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, students of local history, and students of the faculty of history.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-18 16:13:29

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