Digital and scientific approaches to oriental manuscript studies

Digital and scientific approaches to oriental manuscript studies
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2021-04-18 13:31:20
Peer reviewing was a major asset of the network. Besides undergoing the obligatory mid-term and final evaluations by the European Science Foundation, the Digital and scientific approaches to oriental manuscript studies program continuously subjected itself to an internal review process. It is now time to face a more crucial trial, namely the verdict of our readers as to whether the cooperative and comparative approach is indeed so sound, fruitful and useful that it might set standards for future research. What is certain even now is that many people who have taken part in Digital and scientific approaches to oriental manuscript studies share the feeling that the scholarly and human experience acquired during this project will last a long time. Some explanation is due to the larger community of all those who have participated in Digital and scientific approaches to oriental manuscript studies activities in the last few years on how the work was actually conducted.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-18 13:31:20

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