Law system in The USA

Law system in The USA
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2021-04-17 03:37:01
This essay is about of the law system in the United States of America. Essay USA. We know that the constitution of the USA establishes a federal system of government. All power not delegated to the fifty states has its own state constitution and goverenmental structure. Power in both the state and federal governments is separated into three branches the legislative, the executive and the judicial. The legislative branch has the power to create laws and the judicial branch has the power to interpret and apply these laws in individual cases and controversies.Separation of government authority prevents abuse of power.As a control on the powers of the executive and legislative branches the judicial branch has the power of judicial review.Judicial review prodides the power of a court to declare legislative or executive acts invalid,if those acts are contrary to the federal or state constitution. After reading this essay every student may know about how are the rights of citizens of the USA and some differences between in our country.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-17 03:37:01

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