Innovation for sustainabilitiy -harmonizing sciense.Technology and economic development with human and natural.Environmet

Innovation for sustainabilitiy -harmonizing sciense.Technology and economic development with human and natural.Environmet
Oliy ta`lim
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-16 23:21:12
The mehods mutagenesis has been obtamed for production of high activity strain Bacillux subtilis -NK 16, which produces thermostabilitiy a-amylase in labaratory scale. Partially purufied enzyme preparation a-amylase was produced by selective adsorption on starch. Enzyme was purified until homogeneous electrophretically by gel-filtration over HW-55 TSK-gel with spesific activities of 301.9 U/mg for a-amylase. The optimum temperature and pH for purified a-amylase activity are 70-75 C and pH 6.0. The effects of various metal ions on the activitiy and stability of the enzyme were studied.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-16 23:21:12

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