Solid-phase method for producing polymer complex of routine

Solid-phase method for producing polymer complex of routine
Oliy ta`lim
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-16 21:19:44
Routine (vitamin P) is related to bioflavonoids. It is entering the body and acting as anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, radioprotective, choleretic agent is angioprotector and corrector of microcirculation. However routine is practically insoluble in water and in physiological solutions, which greatly reduces its bioavailability. In this regard, the creation of new forms of preparation that enhance its solubility, is of particular interest, as it allows to reduce the concentration of the input routine and improve its pharmacological properties.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-16 21:19:44

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