Early diagnosis of cognitive impairment in neuromotor dyskinesia patients and principles of correction

Early diagnosis of cognitive impairment in neuromotor dyskinesia patients and principles of correction
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2021-04-11 03:31:58
Actual problem of modern neuroscience is the study of the pathogenesis, improved methods of diagnosis and treatment of cognitive impairment in patients with neuromotor dyskinesia [ 2,5,6 ]. Neuromotor dyskinesia, extrapyramidal systems are pathology and occur as different giperkinezami. They include Parkinson`s disease and parkinsonism syndrome, essential tremor, torsion dystonia, chorea hyperkinesis, etetoidny hyperkinesia, Huntington`s chorea, hepatolenticular degeneration, ballistic hyperkinesis, myoclonus, cider and other Tourette hyperkinesis. In these patients, found involuntary movements. When neuromotor dyskinesia and non-motor disorders found that exacerbates the disease in a timely manner and reduce the quality of life of patients. This includes cognitive, emotional and personality, autonomic, mental disorders and sleep disorders [11,13].

Дабавлено : 2021-04-11 03:31:58

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