Syndrome “the red eye” whithout decreased visual acuity

Syndrome  “the red eye” whithout decreased visual acuity
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2021-04-11 02:38:14
Problem diagnosis and subsequent treatment of the red-eye syndrome are important for general practitioners, are constantly faced with the need to establish a diagnosis and determine the further tactics and treatment of patients with such complaints. What might lie behind complaints of redness of the eye? Of symptoms, including flushing eyes and surrounding tissue is very diverse and can relate to the appendages of the eyeball or orbit. In connection with this medical tactics should be differentiated depending on the severity of the disease Barley and conjunctivitis in most cases can be treated under the supervision of the family doctor or local therapist, but with more serious pathology (trauma, keratitis, iridocyclitis) patient should be referred for a consultation with an ophthalmologist. In methodical recommendations attempt to systematically evaluate the manifestations of so-called red-eye syndrome, and to provide general recommendations for treatment and management of general practitioner

Дабавлено : 2021-04-11 02:38:14

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