Syndrome of Dyspnea on a thorax trauma, an acute bacterial destruction of lungs complicated by the haemopneumothorax and pyopneumothorax

Syndrome of Dyspnea on a thorax trauma, an acute bacterial destruction of lungs complicated by the haemopneumothorax and pyopneumothorax
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2021-04-15 05:17:20
For tutorial «Dyspnea syndrome on a thorax trauma, an acute bacterial destruction of lungs complicated by the haemopneumothorax and pyopneumothorax» of Yunusov I.I, associate professor of TMA surgical department for general practitioners In spite of improvement organization traumathological and pulmonologic service, also widely using of antibacterial medicines, frequency of an acute bacterial destructions of lungs remains by higher rate. By the way, remain impressions, occurrence of an thorax trauma and lungs purulent diseases by the dyspnea syndrome is increased. Russian scientific institute of pulmonology shows increased quantity of purulent lung diseases in the world. Quantity such kind of patients raises by 5 % annually and mortality is on the rise by 7-12% p.a. distinguished features of these diseases are damaging vitally essential organs and systems, rapidly development of severe disturbances and complications on these cases requires urgent appropriate aide from the physicians. That is why creation of this tutorial «dyspnea syndrome on a thorax trauma, an acute bacterial destruction of lungs complicated by the haemo-pneumothorax and pyopneumothorax» is one of important requirements nowadays. The tutorial consists of 74 typed pages according to modern educational technologies, by indications of topicality, anothomo-physiological dates, clinic and laboratory instrumental investigations of this syndrome. By the originator of this tutorial was developed diagnostic and treatment algorithm, also differential diagnostic methods of dyspnea syndrome. On the basis of evidence-based medicine there are general practitioners policy on rendering first aid, indications and techniques of pleural puncture, pleural cavity drainage, operative introductions. Originated diagnostic and treatment algorithms of «cough», «expectoration» «blood spitting» syndromes are basic guides in studying of chest dyspnea syndrome. On this tutorial also by originator was payed attention to acquirement of practical skills in diagnose of haemothorax and pneumothorax, fulfillment of pleural puncture by unified standards. Decision clinical tasks (12) and test packs (50) from this tutorial promotes development of medical students and entry-level physicians clinical thoughts.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-15 05:17:20

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