How Samarqand got its name

How Samarqand got its name
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Ingliz tilida
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2021-04-15 04:06:23
This manual was written for the students of history and social cultural activity departments. It includes interesting historical stories and events about the history of our country. These easy stories in English help the students to improve their speaking and reading skills. The students are able to translate given stories using the translated new words and phrases.A long time ago, in the region of Central Asia, there was a great and wicked king who lived in a beautiful castle. One day his wife gave birth to a beautiful, daughter and they named her Qand, which means sugar in the Uzbek language. About the same time, there was a baby boy born to a very poor family. They named him Samar, because he was handsome and strong. As he grew up, he became very famous for his bravery, and he completed in all the athletic events. One day the princess met the young man in the garden of the castle. They were so attracted to each other that they agreed to meet every day in the garden. As they got to know each other their love grew stronger and stronger. One day Qand’s father learned of their secret meetings and he became very angry. He did not like Samar because he was very poor, and beneath his daughter.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-15 04:06:23

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