The theme: Slang and its role in literary text

The theme: Slang and its role in literary text
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2021-04-15 04:05:34
The theme: Slang and its role in literary text Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker`s dialect or language. Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon that refer to things considered taboo (see euphemism). It is also used to identify with one`s peers. Few linguists have endeavored to clearly define what constitutes slang. Attempting to remedy this, Bethany K. Dumas and Jonathan Lighter argue that an expression should be considered "true slang" if it meets at least two of the following criteria: It lowers, if temporarily, "the dignity of formal or serious speech or writing"; in other words, it is likely to be considered in those contexts a "glaring misuse of register." Its use implies that the user is familiar with whatever is referred to, or with a group of people who are familiar with it and use the term. "It is a taboo term in ordinary discourse with people of a higher social status or greater responsibility."

Дабавлено : 2021-04-15 04:05:34

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