The theme: Metonymy and its role in literary text

The theme: Metonymy and its role in literary text
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Khojikulov Sh
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Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-15 04:05:05
The theme: Metonymy and its role in literary textThe inventory special language media can be analyzed and their Ontological features revealed if presented in a system in which the Correlation between the media becomes evident. The second field, i.e. functional styles, cannot avoid discussion of such most general linguistic issues as oral and written varieties of language, the notion of the literary (standard) language, the constituents of texts larger than the sentence, the generative aspect of literary texts and some others. In dealing with the objectives of stylistics, certain pronouncements of adjacent disciplines such as theory of information, literature, psychology, logic and to some extent statistics must be touched upon. This is indispensable; for nowadays no science is entirely isolated from other domains of human knowledge: and linguistics particularly its branch stylistics cannot avoid references to the above mentioned disciplines because it is confronted with certain overlapping issues.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-15 04:05:05

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