Primary preventive maintenance and early diagnostics urolithiasis in work of the general practitioner

Primary preventive maintenance and early diagnostics  urolithiasis in work of the general practitioner
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2021-04-15 04:03:43
Primary preventive maintenance and early diagnostics urolithiasis in work of the general practitioner Main objective of modern medicine and public health services - an objective estimation of the laws underlying occurrence and distribution of illnesses, perfection of methods of their preventive maintenance and treatment. Urolithiasis is the illness of a metabolism characterised by presence of stones and microlits in urinary system of the patient. Being one of the most widespread urological diseases inclined to recurrence and, quite often, to a persistent heavy current, it takes the second place after urinary tract infection(UTI). Prevalence urolithiasis in the world has by this time reached 4,5-12,0 % at annual increase at 1500-2000 cases at 1 million inhabitants [9]. It is connected with changing social conditions, an urbanization, deterioration of foodstuff and potable water, environmental factors [12]. Prevalence urolithiasis in Uzbekistan averages 4,5 % [7].

Дабавлено : 2021-04-15 04:03:43

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