Additional methods of research of patients in clinic of orthopedic stomatology

Additional methods of research of patients in clinic of orthopedic stomatology
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Kurs ishi
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Ingliz tilida
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2021-04-15 03:09:10
Stomatoscopy — research of teeth and a mucous membrane of an oral cavity by means of devices (stomatoscope, photodiagnoscope, visiograph), allowing at the big increase to examine mucous and to reveal its slightest changes. This method most often apply to diagnostics of initial stages of defeat mucous, detection of first signs of malignization it is rather good-quality proceeding diseases. Luminescent stomatoscopy it is based on use of effect of a luminescence of firm fabrics of the teeth, arising under the influence of an ultra-violet irradiation. Research spend in the blacked out room, directing on the dried up surface of tooth a bunch of ultra-violet beams.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-15 03:09:10

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