Tarjima nazariyasi va amaliyoti fanidan

Tarjima nazariyasi va amaliyoti fanidan
Oliy ta`lim
Laboratoriya ishi
Nashr etilgan yili:
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-15 03:09:05
Exercise 1. Translate the following, paying attention to the meanings of the verb to MAKE. How does the context influence the choice of a variant? 1. You`re making a big mistake, Mrs. Grey. (B.P.) 2. I always make a cup of tea last thing. She drinks it in bed...( K.M) 3. It made me feel worse than ever. (K.M.) 4. They were made for each other. (O.R.D.) 5. "I`m not going to make any speech," the Boss said. (R.P.W.) 6. Clutterbuck`s father makes all the beer round here. (E.W.) 7. "And flags, Diana. There should be flags left over from last time." "I made them into dusters," said Dingy... ( 8. Presently, the door opened again, and two more boys looked in. They stood and giggled for a time and then made off. (E.W.) 9. "Me, a butler," said Philbrick, "made to put up tents like a blinking Arab." "Well, it`s a change," said Paul."It`s a change for me to be a butler," said Philbrick. "I wasn`t made to be anyone`s servant." (E.W.) 10. As if to make their appeal the more imperative, the fol¬lowing appeared in one of the papers the very next day...(M.T.) 11. The clerk makes for the door, whistling the latest popular love ballad. (B.Sh.)

Дабавлено : 2021-04-15 03:09:05

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