English phoneits

English phoneits
Oliy ta`lim
Uslubiy qoʻllanma
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-14 20:30:45
This Manual has purely practical aims. It is divided into fourteen lessons. Each lesson consists of phonetic rules and various exercises aimed at developing a student’s skills, while enriching and fixing knowledge in phonetics. It was not possible for the compiler to include more materials, because a considerable number of pages were to be devoted to exercises, which are of great importance in this kind of study. The types of exercises vary. They include tasks, which will help the first year students to train in their speech. A part of the exercises is devoted to putting down the words in tradi-tional writing; writing the words in groups according to the final voiced and voiceless conso-nant sound; spelling the words and read them; dividing words in two columns according to the type of syllables, and selecting the proper English rhymes, proverbs, tongue-twisters. There are also exercises on transcribing and on doing tonogram of the words through use of a dictionary or glossary of English-Russian-Uzbek.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-14 20:30:45

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