Cognitive function in children with various forms of epilepsy and issues of differential therapy

Cognitive function in children with various forms of epilepsy and issues of differential therapy
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Magistrlik dissertatsiyasi
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Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-11 00:11:57
Protection of public health, reduction of morbidity, disability and mortality, increasing life expectancy and the period of professional activity, increased social functioning and quality of life are the main area of social policy in any developed country. In our country, a lot of attention is paid to indicators of public health, through social and economic reforms [1]. In a wide range of problems special place is occupied physical and mental health as indicators of intellectual and spiritual state of society, a necessary condition for the successful social and economic development, a factor of national security

Дабавлено : 2021-04-11 00:11:57

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