Securitization – an innovative form of financing

Securitization – an innovative form of financing
O`rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta`limi
Diplom ishi
Nashr etilgan yili:
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-14 15:42:56
“…We have chosen an evolutionary approach to the process of transition from an administrative-command to a market system of regulation, the road of gradual and phased reforms, acting in line with a well-known principle….” I.A. Karimov Uzbekistan has a created sufficient safety factor and necessary resource basis to ensure sustainable and uninterrupted functioning of its financial, economic, budget, banking and credit system, as well as enterprises and branches of real sector. For today cumulative actives of banks more than in two times exceed volumes of the means which are on accounts of the population and legal bodies, providing their full protection and guaranteeing timeliness of payments. The general current in 10 times more current obligations of banks external payments. Differently, the safety pillow of all bank system is created strong. Liquidity and stability of domestic banks serves as the powerful factor of growth of trust to bank system, mobilization into depositary accounts of available assets of the enterprises and the population. The volume of contributions of the population only within last year has increased in 1,7 times. As a whole over the last ten years the internal sources directed on crediting of real sectors of economy, have increased more than in 25 times.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-14 15:42:56

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