Dynamics of addictive behavior in teenagers, in conditions of social deprivation.

Dynamics of addictive behavior in teenagers, in conditions of social deprivation.
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Magistrlik dissertatsiyasi
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Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-10 23:41:58
According to the results of many studies in recent years have noted a sharp increase in the prevalence of addictive rasstroistv, the variety of their forms, the emergence of new species. It is traditionally known addictions in the form of chemical dependence (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking) added rabotogolizm, sexy and computer addiction, pathological gambling (gambling), and addictive eating behavior and dependence on destructive cults. All of these types of behavior feeds the powerful subconscious force that gives them such qualities as compulsive, perfectionism, gluttony, impulsive certainty of execution. One type of addiction is substance abuse. Teenage drug abuse in recent years into the problem of a national disaster, there is a steady upward trend in the number of people who use surfactants, in particular, the volatile solvents. It is known that for teenage substance abuse is characterized by a particular malignancy, expressed progradiently and severity encountered in her physical complications. Not proficiency restraining mechanisms stenichnost in achieving pleasure, consumer attitude towards others, the lack of positive ideals and the sense of duty and contributes to the development of deviant forms of addictive behavior and consequently leads to an increase in AIDS.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-10 23:41:58

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