Personal qualities and jobs

Personal qualities and jobs
Umumiy o`rta ta`lim
Dars ishlanma
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-13 19:40:33
The technological map of the lesson Subject: English Form: 9 The theme of the lesson: Unit 2. The world of work Personal qualities and jobs The aim of the lesson: a) to learn the new words and expressions relating to the theme b) to speak about personal qualities of the pupils c) to talk about their future professions The expecting results from the lesson: a) to understand the meaning of the lesson questions b) to improve democratic attitude among the learners c) to be able to choose the words belong to personal qualities and jobs The type of the lesson: It is hold based on competition, discussing as the lesson is non-traditional The equipment of the lesson: Course book, computer , cards , tests, screen, visual , aids Organizational moment: a) Greeting b) Checking the attendance

Дабавлено : 2021-04-13 19:40:33

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