Adabiyotshunoslikka kirish

Adabiyotshunoslikka kirish
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2021-04-13 17:40:53
Plot is the planned arrangement of actions and events in a narrative; actions and events are causally related, and they progress through a variety of conflicts and opposing forces to a climax and resolution. Because the events in a story are planned, they differ from the myriad random and casual events of real life. Henry James once declared that life is splendid waste, "all in conclusion and confusion." By contrast, life embedded in narrative art is splendid economy—what James termed "all discrimination and selection," a fine focusing of life. Similarly, Edith Wharton, speaking of Russian and French short story writers, found in their handling of plot "a shaft driven straight into the heart of human experience." What happens in a narrative as lives and events unfold is not wasteful, but rather selected, arranged, and patterned according to an author`s purpose in creating plot. Plot might be an artificial arrangement of life, but it is plot that gives a narrative its power, uniqueness, and excellence. It is the basis of narrative art: the shaping of human experience so that we can understand it; the reflection of the author`s perceptions and powers of invention; the vehicle through which the artist offers his or her vision of life and the world. And it is plot that gives a story its charm and beauty, as E. M. Forster stressed in his discussion of plot in Aspects of the Novel: The plot-maker expects us to remember: we expect him to leave no loose ends. Every action or word ought to count; it ought to be economical and spare; even when complicated it should be organic and free from dead matter. And over it, as it unfolds, will hover the memory of the reader (that dull glow of the mind of which intelligence is the bright advancing edge) and will constantly rearrange and reconsider, seeing new clues, new chains of cause and effect, and the final sense (if the plot has been a fine one) will not be of clues or chains, but of something which might have been shown by the novelist right away, only, if he had shown it straight away it would never have become beautiful.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-13 17:40:53

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