Иқтисодий интеграция: жаҳон тажрибаси – европа иттифоқи амал қилиш хусусиятлари

Иқтисодий интеграция: жаҳон тажрибаси – европа иттифоқи амал қилиш хусусиятлари
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Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-13 15:25:47
After World War II, moves towards European integration were seen by many as an escape from the extreme forms of nationalism which had devastated the continent. One such attempt to unite Europeans was the European Coal and Steel Community which, while having the modest aim of centralised control of the previously national coal and steel industries of its member states, was declared to be "a first step in the federation of Europe". The originators and supporters of the Community include Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Paul Henri Spaak, and Alcide de Gasperi. The founding members of the Community were Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-13 15:25:47

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