The introduction of cloud computing based on container data center as well as optimization of ICT in Uzbekistan

The introduction of cloud computing based on container data center as well as optimization of ICT in Uzbekistan
Oliy ta`lim
Magistrlik dissertatsiyasi
Nashr etilgan yili:
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-10 21:22:57
Relevance of the dissertation. Uzbek leadership considers a priority the implementation and use of information and communication technologies in various sectors of socio- economic life of society. For effective and targeted development of communications necessary to develop the legislative, regulatory and legal framework, the creation of independent channels of communication with international operators to begin modernization of telecommunication networks based on digital technologies involving significant investment to implement reforms in postal services.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-10 21:22:57

Этот категорий

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