Value of biological (Biohumus, Biomac, biomic) fertilizer and application rates on production of seed potato with the help of intensive technology.

Value of biological (Biohumus, Biomac, biomic) fertilizer and application rates on production of seed potato with the help of intensive technology.
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Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-13 09:04:35
On base of intensive technology to raise productivity of potatoes more than ten times produced ecological clean fertilizer. This fertilizer can be widely applied while taking virusless potato seed. Rational use of water and land is similar and using biological fertilizer does not require additional resources such as water. It affects positively to soil fertility and helps to keep natural taste of potato. Value of biological (Biohumus, and Biomac, biomic) fertilizer is taken and application rates for seed potato production is experimented in Uzbekistan. The peculiarities of biological fertilizers and standards for seed potato production, lack of action character in the soil vermicompost and macro-micro elements are considered and studied. Created list of main types of biological fertilizers and basic prerequisites for making vermicompost, Biomac, biomic and its role on increasing the yield of potatoes is mentioned. Developing systems using biological fertilizers and its durability, application rate are shown according to experiments.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-13 09:04:35

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