The study of structural changes in bone tissue of alveolar process of jaws in experimental animals after implantation of a new construction of dental implant from Titanium BT-1.0 developed in Uzbekistan.

The study of structural changes in bone tissue of alveolar process of jaws in experimental animals after implantation of a new construction of dental implant from Titanium BT-1.0 developed in Uzbekistan.
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Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-13 05:23:44
The widespread introduction of dental implant in the dental practice will determine progress and the future of prosthetic dentistry. At the same time, like any new direction dental implantation has generated a lot of questions and unsolved problems. On many of these issues and problems can be answered only by using morphological methods. Therefore, after the development of a new construction of the dental implant one of the main issues was the question of its interaction with the jawbone and soft tissues of the oral cavity. We performed the experiment on 24 long snout dogs of both sexes, weighing 30-35 kg, with normal bite, at the age of 20-24 months. Animals were divided into 2 groups, according to samples of screw dental implants used in the experiment: basic group - 12 dogs in which were used samples of the new construction of dental implant “” (Uzbekistan); control group – 12 dogs in which were applied screw dental implant system “Dentium” (South Korea). Terms of derivation of animals from experiments were 1, 3, and 6 months. By using morphological techniques were studied implants “” from medical titanium BT-1.00 brand, their interaction with bone of alveolar ridge. “” did not cause pathological changes in the bone tissue of alveolar ridges of jaws and could be an alternative to known dental implants.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-13 05:23:44

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