The role of biomimetic incubation of sandblasted titanium implants in the process of osseointegration: an experimental study in dogs.

The role of biomimetic incubation of sandblasted titanium implants in the process of osseointegration:  an experimental study in dogs.
Oliy ta`lim
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Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-13 05:23:37
The present study was created to examine the surface characteristics, bone response and values of removal torque of an implant surface subjected to sandblasting with 125 μm Al2O3 particles with a following immersion in biomimetic fluid and to compare that surface with a machined implant surface. Study protocol: Forty-eight conical implants were initially made of second-grade titanium alloy. The diameter of implants was 4 mm at the head and 2.6 at the apex, all implants were of 8 mm length and of large variable thread design. Half of them were subjected to sand blasting and immersion in biomimetic fluid at 37 °C for four weeks with daily replenishment of solution until the moment of placement; another 24 implants were left with untreated machined surface. Three-dimensional roughness values were obtained with the help of confocal laser scanning microscope. Forty-eight implants were implanted in 12 dogs. Twenty-four implants were retrieved after a 6-week healing period following installation, and the remaining 24 were removed upon the completion of 16 weeks, using a torque calibrator ((BTG150CN-S TOHNICHI) with a 20 cN·m - 150 cN·m scale of force registration was applied for the measurements of the removal torque.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-13 05:23:37

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