“The State Emblems of Uzbekistan”

“The State Emblems of Uzbekistan”
Oliy ta`lim
Nashr etilgan yili:
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-13 02:16:57
The blue color symbolizes the sky and water as the principle sources of life. The National flag of Amir Timur was also blue in color. The white stripe is the traditional symbol of peace and of moral and spiritual purity. The green stripe symbolizes nature, the new epoch and abundance in the countries where the majority of the population is Islamic. Besides that, this is in harmony with the modern movement of Greenpeace, which protects nature. The red separating stripes symbolize the current of vital energy in any living body and also connect our pure and noble thoughts with the sky and the earth. The crescent of the new moon, along with its traditional historical symbolism, is at the same time a symbol of the birth of republic`s independence. The symbolism of twelve stars is connected historically with the solar calendar year, which begins from Navruz and embodies the twelve principles laying in the foundation of state management.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-13 02:16:57

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