Cognitive stylistics analysis of literary text

Cognitive stylistics analysis of literary text
Oliy ta`lim
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2021-04-12 22:18:38
Topicality of the dissertation is also determined insufficient knowledge convergence of stylistic devices, the defeated expectancy, coupling as a means of foregrounding in the literary text, as well as the fact that the study of cognitive significance stylistically marked units and their role in a literary text is one of the urgent problems of modern style. This is due to the fact that the stylistic means hitherto mainly been studied in traditional terms, from the viewpoint of structural and semantic stylistic characteristics. However, the turn in anthropocentric paradigm led to the consideration of topicality in terms of their cognitive functions, as well as their role in the conceptualization and categorization of information about the world.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-12 22:18:38

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