The development stages of horror genre

The development stages of horror genre
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2021-04-12 17:08:36
Literature is immense, it is many layered and multiply angled concept. It has a lot of fiction genres such as fantasy, science fiction, horror, romance, detective, adventure, suspense, and etc. Some of the genres are more popular, while some of them less popular among the readers. One of the popular genres of literature among readers is horror fiction. Horror fiction has always received powerful reactions from its readers. Besides Literature horror has appeared in Art, Cinema and games. Horror is an ancient genre, the main aim of which is to scare or frighten the reader. Its roots can be traced back to ancient traditions, myth and folklore. From ancient time people used various stories to scare each other, while sitting around the campfire. Up to nowadays adults or older children often use stories about mythical creatures to frighten bad children into good behavior. Here two questions arise: Why have people invented or thought up scary stories or tales since ancient time? What has influenced the minds of people

Дабавлено : 2021-04-12 17:08:36

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