Realism and realistic approach in Literature

Realism and realistic approach in Literature
Oliy ta`lim
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Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-12 17:08:21
Literature is the mirror of our soul and life. It is an art of imagination. Literature has lots of threads which can weave the beautiful piece of art. And each thread has its own importance in the creative work. In the same way, there are lots of different narrative techniques for the narration of literature. Among the narrative techniques, realism in literature is an approach that attempts to describe life without idealization or romantic subjectivity. According to the history of literature about the appearance and development of realism, realist movement first developed in France in the mid-nineteenth century, and then spread to England, Russia, the United States of America and whole the world.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-12 17:08:21

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