Clinical picture, pathogenetic therapy and prevention of generalized periodontitis in women of elderly and senile age

Clinical picture, pathogenetic therapy and prevention of generalized periodontitis in women of elderly and senile age
Oliy o`quv yurtidan keyingi ta`lim
Nashr etilgan yili:
Rus tilida,O`zbek tilida (kir.),Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-12 07:14:10
Urgency and relevance of dissertational subject. The prevelance of generalized periodontitis (GP) in people of above 50 years old constitutes from 50 to 100%. Of particular interest is the relationship of GP with other somatic diseases of the body, especially with osteoporosis which represents the systemic pathology of bones. Osteoporosis along with GP is characterized by mass occurrence in all population groups and especially in elderly and senile people. Every third woman of postmenopausal period suffers from osteoporosis and almost 100% of postmenopausal women have GP. One of the features of these two diseases is the loss of bone mass which often occurs gradually and eventually in some cases leads to enhanced bone fragility and increased risk of fracture in one hand and premature loss of teeth in another.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-12 07:14:10

Этот категорий

Жиззах вилоятида туристик дестинацияларни ташкил этишнинг ҳудудий жиҳатлари

Таълим муассасаси раҳбарининг бошқарув фаолиятида соғлом ва ижодий муҳитни яратиш механизмларини такомиллаштириш

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Саноат корхоналари ривожланишининг инновацион стратегияларини такомиллаштириш


Жиззах вилоятида туристик дестинацияларни ташкил этишнинг ҳудудий жиҳатлари

Таълим муассасаси раҳбарининг бошқарув фаолиятида соғлом ва ижодий муҳитни яратиш механизмларини такомиллаштириш

Ишлаб чиқариш таълими усталарининг касбий компетентлигини ривожлантириш

Eliptik qismi yuqori tartibli bo`lgan kasr tartibli xususiy hosilali differensial tenglamalar uchun to`g`ri va teskari masalalar

Саноат корхоналари ривожланишининг инновацион стратегияларини такомиллаштириш